8月24日消息 8月24日,美国暴雪娱乐公司和网易公司(NASDAQ:NTES)联合宣布,屡获殊荣的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)《魔兽世界》的第二部资料片——《魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒》即将于2010年8月31日在中国大陆正式发布。 “我们感谢中国玩家对《魔兽世界》一直以来所给予的热情与支持,目前,我们正加紧努力确保在《巫妖王之怒》上线后给予他们一流的
查看全文 | 发表评论在写正文前先说一下自己,有网友已经发现我的博客差不多有一个月没去更新。因为要经历一个重大的转折点还有些重要决定需要我去处理,所以分身不下去写,实在有点惭愧。平时想写点东西基本上都是在微博上完成。好了不多说,希望事件能成功,要办的事能顺利。 网易接受魔兽世界事差不多两年了,巫妖王之怒有希望能在这个暑假内有消息。
查看全文 | 发表评论We wanted to give everyone a very early heads-up that, in response to player requests, we’re developing a new service for World of Warcraft that will allow players to change their faction from Alliance to Horde or Horde to Alliance. There’s still much work to do and many details to iron out, but the basic idea is that players will be able to use the service to transform an existing character into a roughly equivalent character of the opposing faction on the same realm. Players who ended up creating and leveling up characters on the opposite factions from their friends have been asking for this type of functionality for some time, and we’re pleased to be getting closer to being able to deliver it.